Sensor from the sorted list (the closest sensors are first) and match a 6-digit laser-etched ID number to get connected. PASCO understands that classrooms and labs can be hectic, so SPARKvue allows you to simply select a Simple in-app list (no system settings are required). Using a USB or an interface, with SPARKvue you can just plug-and-play with nearly one-hundred sensors via Bluetooth®, which pairs wireless sensors through a Manually, use sensors for real-time or remote logging, or open one of the hundreds of existing labs, this is your starting place. A new Welcome Screen makes it easy to get started and discover SPARKvue’s capabilities. With the latest major release of SPARKvue 4, we’ve continued toĪdd features without adding complexity. Since SPARKvue was first released, it has been winning awards, and we never stop improving it. However, if you’re anĪdvanced user looking for more capabilities such as video analysis, advanced statistics and calculations, and greater customization of data displays on a PC or Mac ®, then SPARKvue is for all sciences and grade levels. Quickly set up their lab, or use a built-in Quick Start Lab and begin collecting data immediately. Compatible with all of PASCO’s wireless and PASPORT sensors, students can
SPARKvue makes data collection, analysis, and sharing quick and easy on every platform.